Thursday, November 12, 2009

i'M sOwRrrRrYyY sYg.....

sori syg,
i've hurt u...
eventhough u dun noe wat it is all bout..
but i still want to say sorry..
ak x pndi jga dri...
ak mungkir...
ak x pegang janji kta kuat2...
ak mntak maaf sesangat...
ak taw ak slah....
ak taw ak b'dosa....
tuhan ja yg bleh p'tmbangkn samada dosaku ne bleh d ampunkn ka x....
ak taw ak b'dosa sesangat....
ak mnta maaf munir....
ak syg kaw...
x taw napa jdnya bgni...
ak pun x taw bleh jd bgni...
ak pun x knal dgn sapa ak sbnrnya uda skrunk...
ak mntak maaf....
bunuh la ak...
buat la apa yg ko maw spaya ko bleh maafkn ak....
ak taw msti ko rsa ak x prnh appreciate ko slma ne kn...
ak pun xtaw la nir...
ak pun x knal dgn driku skrunk ne...
sjak kebelakangan ne ak cba kenal driku balik...
ak xtaw mana suda driku yg dlu m'ilang....
ntah kemana suda adibah zafirah yg dlu...
hilang tanpa bleh d kesan...
ini bukan ak ne....
ak pun x taw sapa skrunk ne...
mcm ada sesua2 yg dorong ak untuk i2...
ak confuse...
jiwa kosong...
ak pun x taw napa suma ne blh jd....
ak pun telampau bha jgk kn....
ak mntak maaf..................................... :(

Sunday, November 8, 2009

nApA nEyH??

ak pun xtau napa ngan ak skrunk neyh...
sanggup ak wat kwn bg2 gra2 seorg hamba ALLAH ja...
ak rasa diriku ne truk b2l...
ak rasa ada baiknya ak wat bg2..

ntah la...
ak rasa mcm bodo ja wa....

ndak bha...
dea prnah wat ak bg2...
2 yg ak rasa saket b2l ne..
saket yg dlu blum ilang lg....

dea prnah taw stab ak...
smpi skrunk ne masi rasa saketnya...
meaning 2 say...
luka lama b'darah kmbali la ney kannn...
saket bha 2...

law mmg b2l la kan dea wat bg2...
ak xtaw la...
maybe ak akn wat tndakan yg paling drastik yg prnh ak wat dlm idupku...
it is....
start dr x lyan dea...
break our bond of friendship...

biar la org kata ak bodo ka...
at least ak x mkn ati asal ak jmpa dea...
ak akn kwatkn semangatzzQ...

Friday, November 6, 2009

i'm dAnGeRoUsLY iN lUrVe....

I love you

Baby I love you
You are my life
My happiest moments weren't complete
If you weren't by my side
You're my relation
In connection to the sun
With you next to me
There's no darkness I can't overcome
You are my raindrop
I am the sea
With you and God, who's my sunlight
I bloom and grow so beautifully
Baby, I'm so proud
So proud to be your girl
You make the confusion
Go all away
From this cold and messed up world

I am in love with you
You set me free
I can't do this thing
Called life without you here with me
Cause I'm Dangerously In Love with you
I'll never leave
Just keep lovin' me
The way I love you loving me

And I know you love me
Love me for who I am
Cause years before I became who I am
Baby you were my man
I know it ain't easy
Easy loving me
I appreciate the love and dedication
From you to me
Later on in my destiny
I see myself having your child
I see myself being your wife
And I see my whole future in your eyes
Thought of all my love for you
sometimes make me wanna cry
Realize all my blessings
I'm grateful
To have you by my side

Every time I see your face
My heart smiles
Every time it feels so good
It hurts sometimes
Created in this world
To love and to hold
To feel
To breathe
To love you

Dangerously in love
Can't do this thing
I love you , I love you, I love you
I'll never leave
Just keep on loving me
I'm in love with you
I can not do
I cannot do anything without you in my life
Holding me, kissing me, loving me
I love you
Dangerously in love

Thursday, November 5, 2009

sAyA aNtI bAcKsTaBbEr!!!

ak bnci ngan kwn yg mkn kwn taw!!!
dsar ko sial!!!
puki mu la c2 yg gtal b2l!!!
mo ngan laki org!!!
crik la laki sndri!!!
jan mo jgk b'gtal ngan laki org!!
lelaki ne pun 1...
bodoh kaw babi!!!
mcm ja bini mu x mengasi puas ko!!!
sama ja kmu 2-2 tu.....
mals ak mo ckp byk...
ko pkir la sndri...
slama ini ku tatang ko bgi minyak yg pnuh...
last2 ko wat ak plak bgni....
dsr ko xtaw d untung......
putus kwn la kta law bg2...
dis isn't da first tyme arh ko wat like dis....
napa jugak???
ska b2l ka ko ngan laki ku????
ambk la dea....
b'antam la kmu puas2 c2....
mlas da ak mo memikir!!
x pyh la uda ko msej2 ak...
x pyah la uda kta jmpa & connecting...
dsar ko backstabber!!!!
xda gna pnya kwn!!!!

sial ko!!!!!
ko tikam ak dr blkg....
never thought.....
3 years of friendship....
ne jd nya....

sUmThIn' yG sHe kEePs a sEcReT...

ada sumthin' kn yg ko rahsiakn dr ak??
ak taw bha mel...
ati ku yg ckp bg2..
ati x bleh bohong...
apa2 pun rahsia 2 msti melibatkn ak,kaw,dia...
law b2l la kta ati ku 2..
maknanya ak kna lepaskn dea...
alw ada pa2 yg jd ngan ko...
jan ko tduh ak ataw blame sapa2...
ko yg plih suma 2...
ak pena btaw ko dea 2 cemana....
lau jd..
ko knak tanggung sndri suma 2...

adios amigas...

why did u took everythin' that i love???
wat kind of friend are you hah???
never thought that person yg ak believe wat ak bgni...
this isn't the first time u did it...
and now...
i couldn't take it anymore...
if it happen btul2...
ak rsa bgus kta p2s kwn larr...
biar la org kta ak bodoh ka apa ka...
pokoknya ak x tahan suda...
kta bkal p2s law ko wat bg2....


Saturday, October 31, 2009

ancur berantakan uda sumanya!!!

ancur uda...
mau retak uda friendship gara2 parents yg x taw hal sebenarnya...
gara2 parents yg x maw dgr & percaya ngan ank2 dorg...
suma ancur...
dorg pkir law dorg halang kta xkn buat...
dorg pkir law dorg sekat suma kta akn nyesal...
no way!!!
tmbh lg dorg tnjuk prasaan 2 law bg2...
pkir2 la sndri...
law mo accuse org...
law mo manipulate org...
t'ingat ak trus dgn kta2...
"ak bkan la spti yg kau fikirkn..."
ilang la sumanya nti ne...
teda uda friendship yg blh d banggakan dpn suma org...
friendship srunk pun mo d rahsiakn jgk ka??
ak pkirkn relationship ja yg d rahsiakn...
skrunk ne...
friendship pun kna rahsia jgk...
ak bkn b'kwn ngan p'jenayah pun...
we all juz nakal ja bhu,,,
jan la anti and accuse and manipulated kmi bg2...
mcm kmi da wat kesalhan yg bsr b2l plak...

u don noe the whole real dun u ever try to give a fucking damn want to comment anything bout wat had happened u bitch!!!

jan ko komen law ko x ska!!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009


4th day of exam...
paper sejarah...
history 1 easy-peasy..
history 2...
soklan yg bagian esei 2 senang...
tp yg men isi2 tmpat kosong 2 yg ssah...
ak ngan dya x jwb suma...
esei ja yg pnuh kmi jwb...
c edi bg kmi jwpn psal ciri2 kepimpinan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W...
dea p koyak 2 bku nota gla...

5th day of exam...
paper physics...
paper 1 ok2 ja...
blum gla lg...
paper 2 la...
mcm x b'jwab ja...
mmg gla la cgu fadilah 2 check paper kmi....

6th day exam...
ari yg paling gla....
i mean...
paper yg paling gla among the others...
paper add maths!!!
i dun have any idea of what i'm writing on the answer sheets...
smpat lg calling2 tyme exam....
kunun mo ambk org..
skalinya org tgu tyme balik...
dea call...
dea kta mac lg dkat gram...
i'm tired of waiting!!!
i left him & best of all...
he lost me that day...
ak blk ngan c izwan....
luckily c izwan bru ja kuar dr gate skewl...
i walked to home wif him....
blum2 gak i get you...
still in progress & never give up to get wit' 'chu....
at night....
call c mel...
x sbar tgu esok bab dea ada story utk ak...
psal dea...
so i called her and she told me the story..
a bit scared u noe...
mcm x mo jmpa dea ja bsok...
scared gla....

7th day of exam....
paper engineering drawing...
start jam 9.45...
pagi2 da dpt breakfast...
kena mrah olh parent...
need 2 improve myself lot more...
blum smpat jejak blok p'tdbiran...
sneak out from da school immediately...
dea pick me up....
went for a date...
juz for 20 min...
but hey!!
better larh drpd xda langsung kn???
plan for the day mo dtg lmbt...
cuz paper start lmbt gak kn...
kata mo p twu lae ikut dea...
dea mo p sndkn....
x jd la...
balik awl la...
paper start...
ada yg x d jwab...
ada yg d jwab tp x lengkap...
tyme d skewl bru ingat psal french curve...
bru sorg pun xda french curve, i think....
apa2 pun....
ari 2 mmg agak epi la bab smpat lg ak date biarpun ada ckit rsa takut tyme dgn dea....
cuz of mel's story...

p/s : dun think negatively plak psal mel's story 2..
dea juz cta bout sumthing yg shocking...
never thought bout it...
stop thinkin' bout that shit, asshole!!!

8th day of exam...
paper pen. islam...
senang la...
blh la...
paper 2 start first...
ok gak...
paper 1 after that...
ok gak....
x la susah sgt...
bab da study ckit ngan c izwan...
need to act a bit soft in front of him...
i'm not acting plastic okay!!??
that soft thing is inside of me...
it's called soft side of me...
it's hard to keluar...
cuz i'm a bit of outspoken person and a bit of loud person...
susah la bha kac kuar sisi lembut 2...

isnin ne...
paper chemist....
finger's crossed ja la...
ada date lg ari isnin ne...
not sure pagi atau after school...
dun 4get to bring the sanitizers and brg yg sewak2 dgn nya...
i'm a 'hygiene' person okay?!!!!???

Sunday, October 18, 2009

2nd & 3rd dAy oF eXaM...hUhU...

da lepasz da paper bm ngan bi...
mmg gla la paper bm 2...
mo lepuh tgn ak nulis esei...
soklan peribahasa ada 1 q ak x jwb..
soklan paper 1 yg section A tu...
ntah pa2 ja yg ak jwab...
tgu ja la reaksi cgu rasnah kang...
ntah2 kena lempang ak nti...
paper bi pun sma gak gla...
ak ble lpa plak format formal letter...
x ka gla 2...
tp mmg senang ja bha lau bi...
ada beberapa soklan la yg ak musykil...
tp e2 d paper 2 la...
paper 1 ak x ckup msa...
ak mo kac 3 mukasurat wa 2...
tp x smpat...
mende arh..
paper 1 kac 1j 45 min...
tp dea sruh wat esei...
mende arh lu bai...
tp paper 2 lu kac 2j 45 min...
maunya d kac tebalik wa 2 tyming nya...
apa la...
wat esei 1 jam ja..
mana bleh siap...
bru isi ke4 ja 2 lau bg2 tyming nya...

apa yang anda lakukan semasa m'jawab soklan bm???
ak menulis la bha...
mo lpuh tgn ku menulis taw!!!
ak crik2 idea mo tlis apa laek d eseiku 2...

apa yang anda lakukan semasa answer quest bi???
ak dgr mp3...
ak nyanyi2 dgn hati yg senang...
suma org mrah kat ak bab ak snang ati tyme jwb quest bi..
suma org kesusahan...
besa larrr bha...
org dengki...
lg pun...
burink wa jwab soklan xda bunyik2 d dgar...
bguszz on mp3 kn...
x gak sunyi...

sumtyme ak wondering gak...
napa la rmi owg yg ak knal kata learning english is too hard...
it's not too hard 4 eu 2 learn english...
u juz try & try til u got it..
ak pun dlu x pndi bi...
tp bla da ada astro...
ak blaja english dr disney channel...
honest ne ak btau...
ak slaloo tgk hilary duff 2..
apa wa 2 tjuk dea...
haa!!!lizzie mcguire...
2 la yg ajaw ak english..
ak tgk cra dorg speaks and their body language..
how dey pronounce da words..
that's where all my knowledge for english b'kmbang...
cba la kmoo b'usaha 4 learning english...
nescaya kmoo pun pndi english gak..
tp ak bkan pndi bi pown...
cak kmu tnya ak soklan sal grammar...
mau nya ak t'kontang-kanting menangis-nangis m'jwab 2..
like everybody does, i'm not that perfect in english larrr...
i'm not even perfect in everything...
i juz did my very best in everything..
that's all that i get...
try to think la bai...

monday kang paper history plak...
mampuih la ak...
tp xpa...
ak akn jwb gak dgn jwpn yg insyallah normal...
cuz ak ska b2l jwab yg ntah pa2..
pa lagi tyme ak langsung blank...
maunya ja ak tulis beso2 kat answer sheet 2...
siap ada smile lags 2....

kay larrr...
ak mo chow luk...
da pa2 nti...
ak inform jewrrr...
k larrr...

lurve AM..

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

kAu yANg kU sAyaNg

Kau Yang ku Sayang
Dari Dulu
Kini dan Selama-lamanya
Sebelum Kenal Dirimu
Sebelum Jumpa Dirimu
Kau Sering Datang Dalam Mimpiku

Kata Hatiku
Selalu Membisik Kau Adalah Milikku
Biar Lama Pun Kutunggu
Saat Kedewasaanmu
Daku Tak Pernah Jemu Menantimu

Disaat ku Sendiri
ku Bayangkan Wajahmu
Terkadang ku Berilusi
Tentang Dikau dan Aku

ku Harapkan Semua Ini
Esok Kan Jadi Kenyataan
dan aku Berjanji
Kan ku Bahagiakan Dirimu Selamanya

Kuharapkan Semua Ini
Akan Segera Terjadi
dan Semoga Nanti
Bukan Sekadar Impian Belaka

aKhIrNyA aK tAu aPa e2 cINtA...

Kenapa kita menutup mata
ketika kita tidur?
Ketika kita menangis?
Ketika kita membayangkan?
Ketika kita berciuman?
Ini karena hal terindah di dunia TIDAK
Kita semua agak aneh... dan hidup
sendiri juga agak aneh...
Dan ketika kita menemukan seseorang
yang keunikannya SEJALAN dengan
Kita bergabung dengannya dan jatuh ke
dalam suatu keanehan serupa
yang dinamakan ia
Ada hal2 yang tidak ingin kita
Orang2 yang tidak ingin kita
Tapi ingatlah...
melepaskan BUKAN akhir
dari dunia,
melainkan awal suatu kehidupan
Kebahagiaan ada untuk mereka yang
mereka yang tersakiti,
mereka yang telah
dan mereka yang telah
Karena MEREKALAH yang bisa
betapa pentingnya orang yang telah menyentuh kehidupan mereka.
Adalah ketika kamu menitikkan air mata dan
MASIH peduli terhadapnya..
Adalah ketika dia tidak mempedulikanmu
dan kamu MASIH menunggunya
dengan setia..
Adalah ketika dia mulai mencintai orang lain
dan kamu MASIH bisa tersenyum
sambil berkata: "Aku
turut berbahagia untukmu buat selamanya"
Apabila cinta tidak berhasil...
BEBASKAN dirimu...
Biarkan hatimu kembali melebarkan
sayapnya dan terbang ke alam
bebas dan bebas LAGI..
Ingatlah...bahwa kamu mungkin
menemukan cinta dan
Tapi..ketika cinta itu mati..
kamu TIDAK perlu mati
Orang terkuat BUKAN mereka yang selalu
MELAINKAN mereka yang tetap
tegar ketika mereka
Entah bagaimana...dalam
perjalanan kehidupan,
kamu belajar tentang dirimu sendiri..
dan menyadari bahwa penyesalan
tidak seharusnya ada.
HANYALAH penghargaan abadi
atas pilihan2 kehidupan
yang telah kau buat.
TEMAN SEJATI...Mengerti ketika kamu berkata 'Aku lupa..'
Menunggu selamanya ketika
kamu berkata'Tunggu
Tetap tinggal ketika kamu
berkata: "Tinggalkan aku sendiri"
Membuka pintu meski kamu BELUM mengetuk dan berkata: "Bolehkah saya masuk?"
BUKANlah bagaimana kamu melupakan..melainkan bagaimana kamu MEMAAFKAN..
BUKANlah bagaimana kamu mendengarkan.. melainkan bagaimana kamu MENGERTI..
BUKANlah apa yang kamu lihat..melainkan apa yang kamu RASAKAN..
BUKANlah bagaimana kamu melepaskan..melainkan bagaimana kamu BERTAHAN..
Lebih berbahaya mencucurkan air mata dalam hati...
dibandingkan menangis tersedu2..
Air mata yang keluar dapat dihapus..
sementara air mata yang tersembunyi menggoreskan luka yang tidak akan pernah
Dalam urusan cinta, kita SANGAT JARANG menang..
Tapi ketika CINTA itu TULUS, meskipun kalah,
kamu TETAP MENANG hanya karena kamu berbahagia dapat mencintai seseorang..
LEBIH dari kamu mencintai dirimu sendiri..
Akan tiba saatnya dimana kamu harus berhenti mencintai seseorang.
BUKAN karena orang itu berhenti mencintai kita,
MELAINKAN karena kita menyadari bahwa orang itu akan lebih berbahagia apabila
kita melepaskannya.
Apabila kamu benar2 mencintai seseorang, jangan lepaskan dia..
jangan percaya bahwa melepaskan SELALU berarti kamu benar2 mencintai MELAINKAN
BERJUANGLAH demi cintamu.
Lebih baik menunggu orang yang kamu inginkan DARIPADA berjalan bersama orang
'yang tersedia'
Lebih baik menunggu orang yang kamu cintai DARIPADA orang yang berada
Lebih baik menunggu orang yang tepat karena hidup ini terlalu singkat untuk
dibuang hanya dengan 'seseorang'
Kadang kala, orang yang kamu cintai adalah orang yang PALING menyakiti hatimu
dan kadang kala,
teman yang membawamu ke dalam pelukannya dan menangis bersamamu adalah cinta
yang tidak kamu sadari.
And now find Ur Love ..........

hUrRmMm..fIrSt dAy oF eXaM.. :)

first day mmg gla...
apa lagi bla da lama cuti(elehh seminggu kata lama...)
cuti pmr seminggu...
seminggu jugak la online terus menerus...

first day exam...
paper math modern...
skunk ney kira da abis azab la utk math moden...
esok paper bm...
kira paper best gak la..

ak syukur sgt taw ari ney...
at least paper 2 ak x la t'kinja2 x taw mo jwab apa...
specially psal section B td...
buat2 graf...
nsib bek ak ok...
tp tyme jmpa soalan no.15..
mcm mau jtuh dr kerusi ja...
blh nya ak lpa cemana crik upper boudary ngan cumulative frequency...

ney kira ada perkembangan la kan...
compare dr sem 1...
mmg ancus abess...
jmpa ja soalan graf...
mcm mo jatuh ja dari kerusi 2...

apa yang terlintas d fikiran tyme exam berlangsung::::

cemana ak bleh t'pikir org2 len plak...
biasanya ak t'pkir psal "apa la reaksi cgu ak tyme dea check krtas ak ney..."
atau pun...
ak t'pikir psal apa yg cgu ckp tyme dea mengajar...
ney ndak...
blh2 nya ak t'pikir psal...
c taufik la...c manca la...hunny bunny hubbyku la....
psal mimpi c adlin la...
psal c fiqri,suffi, hanis la...
psal sms ku ngan c taufik la...
psal apa yg crita ngan c penny la...
gla tul la...

blh nya ak t'ingat plak apa yg ak nmpak ari tu....
sandi tul tau...
pkiran x pokus sgt td...
cemana bleh jd cem g2 tu..
glak tul taw ak ney...

ak bleh plak t'pikir utk artikel yg ak mau wat d blog...
ak bleh gak t'pkir tntg napa ak bleh ska ngan c taufik 2...
gla nya ...

mmg ari ni ak x bleh pokus 100% larrr....
2 ja kesimpulan yg ak bleh wat...

Monday, October 12, 2009

tRy tO fEeL...

10th grade

As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my so called "best friend". I stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. But she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before and handed them to her. She said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

11th grade
The phone rang. On the other end, it was her. She was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone, so I did. As I sat next to her on the sofa, I stared at her soft eyes, wishing she was mine. After 2 hours, one Drew Barrymore movie, and three bags of chips, she decided to go to sleep. She looked at me, said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

Senior year
The day before prom she walked to my locker. My date is sick" she said; he's not going to go well, I didn't have a date, and in 7th grade, we made a promise that if neither of us had dates, we would go together just as "best friends". So we did. Prom night, after everything was over, I was standing at her front door step. I stared at her as she smiled at me and stared at me with her crystal eyes. I want her to be mine, but she isn't think of me like that, and I know it. Then she said "I had the best time, thanks!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

Graduation Day
A day passed, then a week, then a month. Before I could blink, it was graduation day. I watched as her perfect body floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. Before everyone went home, she came to me in her smock and hat, and cried as I hugged her. Then she lifted her head from my shoulder and said, "you're my best friend, thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

A Few Years Later
Now I sit in the pews of the church. That girl is getting married now. I watched her say "I do" and drive off to her new life, married to another man. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't see me like that, and I knew it. But before she drove away, she came to me and said "you came!". She said "thanks" and kissed me on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

Years passed, I looked down at the coffin of a girl who used to be my "best friend". At the service, they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school years. This is what it read: I stare at him wishing he was mine, but he doesn't notice me like that, and I know it. I want to tell him, I want him to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why. I wish he would tell me he loved me! `I wish I did too...` I thought to my self, and I cried.

tRy tO tHiNK..

Did you ever fall for someone you know you shouldn't?
Try hard to fight your feelings, but you just couldn't?
You fall deeper with each passing day,
But try to hide it in every possible way.
He's only a friend, and nothing else--
That's the lie you keeping telling yourself.
You keep on saying he's just a bud,
But deep inside, you're falling in love.
You get so giddy when you meet his eyes,
But keep reminding yourself it isn't right.
A simple glance turns into a stare,
But you pretned that you don't care.
It's "not right" for you two to be.
Is that why you hide it so no one can see?
But how long will you pretend?
Keep lying that he's just a friend?
Perhaps your feelings you can never show.
Perhaps it's "wrong" for him to know.
Your friendship can't be risked over this,
So being his girl is an impossible wish...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

my 7 deadly sin

Who did you last get angry with?ntah...x ku ingat...
What is your weapon of choice?mah hand...haha..
Would you hit a member of the opposite sex?dgn dorg ja ak slalu gaduh..
How about the same sex?ntah la..
Who was the last person who got really angry at you? mom kot..
What is your pet peeve?hah???
Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily?kekadang ak keep..keladang 2 ak let it out!!
What is one thing you're suppose to do daily that you haven't?semayang..ntah la..lately cem mls ja wa..
What is the latest you've ever woken up?jam 4.30 pagi..
Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't?ada la wa..secret..hehe
What is the last lame excuse that you made?ak kan xda d skewl tyme 2..x payah la buat wa..
Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through?prnah...
How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock this morning?4-5 kali..
What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice?ntah...ak men ambk ja..
Are you a meat eater?ya iya larr...
What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event?x ku kira...
Are you comfortable with your drinking and eating habits?no..
Do you enjoy candy and sweets?yep
Which do you prefer: sweets, salty foods or spicy foods?suma..
Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "lunch"?manada..
How many credit cards do you own?kad top-up byk larh..
If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?blanja..byr utang..simpan...
Would you rather be rich or famous?ak x bleh idup lau 2-2 tu xda..
Would you accept a boring job if it meant that you would make megabucks?ya la wa...pkoknya incomenya byk..
What's one thing that you have done that you're most proud of?ikut state level public speaking..
What's one thing you have done that your parents are most proud of?msuk projek emas..
What thing would you like to accomplish late in your life?late kan??? kawin...lau bleh x pyah kawin lae bgus..nyusahin banget sih!!
Do you get annoyed by coming in second place?xla lau yg dpt 1st tu org yg ak bnci..mmg pissed off la jgk..
Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors?ea...bangga trus wa ak..haha
Have you ever cheated to get a better score?ko pkir ak ni decent sgt ka??
What did you do today that you're proud of?
How many people have you seen naked (not counting movies, family, strippers, locker rooms)?ntah la..x t'kira wa..hakhak..crazy question wo..
How many people have seen you naked (not counting physicians, doctors, family, locker rooms, or when you were a young child)?ntah...emang gue pikirin??!!
Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a person of your chosen sex during a normal conversation?hikhik..
What is your favorite body part of a person of your gender choice?hurmmm...ntah..
Have you ever had sexual encounters (including kissing/making out) with multiple persons?hakhak....ermmm???huhu
Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute?xla..
What item of your friends would you most want to have for your own?byk wa...suma most wanted!!
Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces" with?nadia, hanis, aisyah, syahmi
If you could be anyone who existed in the world, who would you be?kim kardashian
Have you ever been cheated on?of course!!
Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own?yep!!
What inborn trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself?beauty,sagacity,well-known
What deadly sin...
Do you do the most often?gluttony,greed,lust & sloth
Do you do the least often?envy
Is your favorite to act on?greed & lust
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

what am i gonna do if???

What would you do if?
The President of the United States called you:ak p ja..pas2 ak kac tgk proposal ku ngan dea psal dunia ney..
You won the lottery:byar utang!!
You got invited to be on a reality TV show:bangga la wa...
You caught a friend stealing from you:fuckin' mosquitoe!!apa ko ambk 2!!??(dgn wajah yg bengang gler)
You witnessed a murder:call polis!!anta buletin p friendster!!
A random stranger offered you candy:i say "TAK NAK!!!"
MySpace and Facebook closed:its alright,its ok..mac ada friendster laek...
A genie granted you one wish:ak mo excellent SPM!!
You lost your favorite possession:sialan!!sapa sih yg brani ambl my place!!??
You found 10 dollars on the ground:tgk skeliling...then biar la dea d c2..
Your date throws up on you:oh my GOD!!!HOW COULD YOU!!muntahkn dea blk!!haha
Someone cut off a chunk of your hair:potong blk rmbutnya!!kac botak!!haha....
Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you:yey!!bwk dea jln2 smpi dea mati kepenatan!!huhu
You were stranded on an island with nothing but the ability to make one phone call:call my mum, and said "mommy...ambl wa...cepat yarh....mmmuuuaahhxx!! cepetan!!"
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

dun leave me!!!!!!!!!

today hidden agenda sumone telah revealed..
c saidon..
mo pndah uda dea...
sedeynya aku...
napa la dea mo pndah??
bear la bha dea d cni ja...
jan la bha dea p mana2..
nti xda yg nyanyikan ak lagu atau kacau2 laek..
xda yg buat bising and buat ak ktawa lae...
dun leave me okay???!!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

this!! or that???

McDonalds or Burger King?both...
Pepsi or Coke?both..
Sierra Mist or Sprite?sprite..
Dominos or Pizza Hut?pizza hut..
Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays?fridays..
Pancakes or waffles?waffles..
Hamburgers or cheeseburgers?cheeseburgers..
Meat or veggies?meat..
Vanilla or chocolate?both..
Abercrombie or Hollister?none..
Boxers or briefs?boxers..
Collar: popped or regular?both..
Jeans or skirt?both..
Sneakers or flip-flops?flip-flops!
*NYSNC or Backstreet Boys?backstreet boys ler..
50 Cent or 2pac?50 Cent!
Country or rap?both..
Rob Thomas or Maroon 5?maroon 5!
Goo Goo Dolls or Matchbox 20?goo goo dolls!
Porcupine Tree or Opeth? ;)none..
The Other Sex
Face or body?both!
Chest or heinie?dunno!
Hair: short or long?medium!
Brunette or blonde?brunette!
Candy or flowers?both!
Hugs or kisses?hugs!
Friends with benefits or date?both!
MySpace or Facebook?both!
TV or movie?both!
Cell phone or iPod?both!
Automatic or manual?automatic!haha!!
Black or white?both..
Red or blue?red!
Gold or silver?silver!
Yellow or orange?orange!
Pink or purple?both!!!!!!!
Summer or Winter?winter!
Fall or Spring?spring!!
Rain or thunderstorm?both!
Snow or rain?both!!
Would you rather...
Shower or bathe?shower
Play an instrument or sing?sing
Play ping-pong or pool?pool
Be hot or cold?both!!
Are you...
Quiet or loud?both...depends on the situation
Immature or immature?mature
Ugly or hott?hotttttt!!!!!!!
Smart or stupid?average...hakhak
Gay or straight?straight LA!!
Dogs or cats?cats..
Pen or pencil?pencil..
Bush or Kerry?kerry..
Canada or Australia?australia..
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

most comprehensive hygiene survey!

Do you wash them after the potty? (be honest)yes i do..
Bar soap, liquid soap, or hand sanitizer?bar soap and hand sanitizer..
Nails: long or short?medium...
Professionally done, or self-maintained?professionally done!
File, emery board, or pocket knife?file..
Nail brush?yes..
Do you bite or chew your nails?bite..sumtyme..
Hand lotion?yes...
Wash in the morning?yes..
Wash in the eveing?yes..
Soap or special cleansers?special cleanser..
If you're a man that wears makeup, may we ask why?b'coz i like makeup and look beauty..
Wash behind the ears?yes
Any nighttime masks, or creams?nope..
Do you brush daily?yep..
Do you floss daily?nope..
Your toothpaste?sparkle/darlie/colgate ..
Electric toothbrush, or regular?regular..
Whitening strips?nope..
Do you grind your teeth?nope..
Do you pick your teeth?nope..
Blow dry, or towel dry?blow dry..
Wash it every day?yep..
Long, short, or bald?medium..
Can you braid it yourself?nope..
Can you French braid?nope..
Hairspray or gel?not using it..
Change styles often?yep..
Bath or shower?bath..
Every day?yep..
Soap or body wash?soap..
Washcloth, puff, or hands?hand..
Back brush?yep..
Foot scrubber?sumtyme..
Favorite soap brands?t3..
Do you shave in the shower/bath or separately?shave in the shower..
Shave cream, soap, or dry shave?shave cream..
Your brand (of shave cream)?veet
Your razor preference?venus..
Do you like bubbles, bath oils, etc?bubbles..
Roll-on, solid, or spray deoderants?solid..
Your brand?safi..halal meh..
Aftershaves, perfumes, colognes, body sprays, etc..?perfumes..
At what age did mom and dad stop giving or supervising your baths?10 years old..
Have you had all your shots?what??
Do you do flu shots every year?yep..
Do you get yearly physicals?think so..
Do you get gender specific exams on a regular basis?ha???
Cancer screenings?blum lagik..
Eye doctor?yes..
How do you feel?mo glak..
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

what zodiac sign fits you best?


User Submitted Image

Individuals born under this sign are thought to have leadership qualities with creative, challenging, entertaining, progressive, stimulating, and independent character, but one which is also prone to rebelliousness, coldness, erraticism, and impracticality.

my love life survey!

A little bit of info about me
Did you get over your ex or do u still love him/her?love yg besa2 ja a friend okay??
Are you currently dating someone?yes..
if you are do you love him/her?of course I am!!!
would you date your ex again?depends..on the situation..
if no why not?maybe b'coz I dun like his attitude..
How many people have you had sex with?no one okay???!!!!
did you love every single one you had sex with?i already said that i never had sex!!!!!!!!!!!
are you still a virgin?of course la!!!!!!!!
how many times have you been in love?juz once...for this time being...
how many boy/girlfriends have you had?i dun noe..too much..can't remember oredi..
is there an ex girl/boyfriend you cant stop thinking about?yes!!
if you answered yes then who is it?should you noe it??!!
do u like tall guys(girls)/short girls(guys)?better tall guys!!
who was your first kiss?hurmmm...who arh???hehe..
have u ever been in love with one of your friends?just date wif them..not in love..
who did you loose your virginity to?hopefully my husband or the one that i love the most..
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

Saturday, July 4, 2009


this is me!!!


this is me!!!

da basic

What's your favorite color?pink + black
What's your favorite animal?cat species
Who's your role model?anyone who success in their life
How many siblings do you have?2 + me = 3
How many people live in your house?12
How many animals do you have4
Where do you live(trailor, mansion, regular house )?home
Who is your most valuable freind?sherry + eja
Which freind do you look up to the most?sherry
How many best freinds do/did you have?7
How many freinds have moved out of your city?3
Would you rather have...
coke or sprite?both
lunch or dinner?lunch
a sister or brother?a sister
Mcdonalds or Burger King?mcdonald's
boyfreind or freind?both
hug or kiss?hug
pinch or poke?poke
clown or doll?doll
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

sumthing yg x bgus sgat

Are you single?no..
Who was the last person you dated?wiewien gilak...
Were you in love with that person?no..
What happened?he such a bossy and snobby
Was it a good relationship?not so..
Are you still a virgin?of course i am!!!
Did you have sex with the one you love?if i want to..
Did it hurt?no..
Did you have fun?yes..
Do you wish you could have it one more time?yes!!!
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

about me!!

Name:aDiBaH zAfIrAh
Date of Birth:16th jUnE 1993
Birthplace:kEnIngAu hOsPiTaL
Current Location:kUnAk
Eye Color:bLaCk bRoWn
Hair Color:bLaCk + rEd a bIt
Height:158 cm
Tattoos:wrist,back,and waist
Song:suara (ku berharap)
Movie:excess baggage
Disney Movie:high school musical 1
TV show:project ns
Color:pink + black
Food:junk food
Pizza topping:cheese + pepperoni
Ice-Cream Flavor:vanilla + choc
Drink (alcoholic):vodka
Soda:icecream soda
Clothing Brand:diesel + bundle
Shoe Brand:pallas + bon bon
Holiday/Festival:school holiday + hari raya aidilfitri
Flower:rose + lavender
Make-Up Item:nail colour + lip balm + compact powder
Board game:chess + monopoly + millionaire
This or That
Sunny or rainy:rainy day
Chocolate or vanilla:both..
Fruit or veggie:both..
Night or day:night..
Sour or sweet:both..
Love or money:both..
Phone or in person:both..
Looks or personality:both..
Coffee or tea:both..
Hot or cold:cold
Goal for this year:understand all the topic for all subject
Most missed memory:wif friends
Best physical feature:smile..
First thought waking up:wat is gonna happen today??
Hypothetical personality disorder:pelupa
Preferred type of plastic surgery:liposuction
Sesame street alter ego:????
Fairytale alter ego:????
Most stupid remark:????
Worst crime:escaped a class
Greatest ambition:to be a vet
Greatest fear:insects
Darkest secret:bout' love and affection
Favorite subject:english
Strangest received gift:potrait of my face along with some religious stuff
Worst habit:lazy
Do You:
Shower daily:yes!!
Like thunderstorms:yes!!
Dance in the rain:yes!!
Play an instrument:yes!!
Get along with your parents:sumtyme
Wish on stars:sumtyme
Believe in fate:yes!!
Believe in love at first sight:yes!!
Can You:
Speak another language:yes
Touch your nose with your tongue:can't
Curl your tongue:yes
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk:yes
Been Stoned/High:never
Eaten Sushi:never
Been in Love:yes
Skipped school:yes
Made prank calls:nope
Sent someone a love letter:yes
Stolen something:yes
Cried yourself to sleep:yes
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person?their attitude
Are you right or left handed?right
What is your bedtime?9 pm - 3 am
Name three things you can't live without:1] tv 2] gossips 3] friends
What is the color of your room?pink
Do you have any siblings?yes
Do you have any pets?yes
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars?yes
What is you middle name?zafirah
What are you nicknames?dieybha
Are you for or against gay marriage?against
What are your thoughts on abortion?worst thing to do
Do you have a crush on anyone?yes
Are you afraid of the dark?no
How do you want to die?in a good religious way
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day?20
Would you take a bullet for the one you love?no
What is the last law you�ve broken?lot..uncountable
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color:black
Eye color:purely black
Height165 cm
Weight50 kg
Most important physical feature:body type
Biggest turn-off????
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

Thursday, June 4, 2009

ak dan laptop...

exam uda abis...
now it's tyme 4 summer vacation...
ak cma cuti d twu ja...
ak mo ic tyme ni berehat d rumah auntie ku yg cozy ni...
windu la...
ak mcm mls la mo jmpa kwn2 d skewl laek...
dgn gaya dorg,mood drg yg drg pkir drg ja yg mo d jga...
better NOT!!!
i'd rather duk d umah tgk tv lae best....
males dech gue...
ak windu....
x lama lae PLKN  balik...yay!!!
hopefully dpt birthday bonus....

k lah..
mcm mo buang masa surf yg len plk la...
nanti ak ic lae ko ya...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

intro....gig bha dlu..

never thought mah lyfe would be so miserable like dis...
4mah 1st post...
lemme introduce mahself...
dini adrianna isz mah name...
call me anna...
age... 16
skewl...smk kunak..
study science tech..
gua dak kunak yg out and easygoing....
ak ada kwn yg agak rmi la jygak..
yg mana???
special one ke???
ada ka???
wat u ol think???
wat masa ni...ak pun xtaw wats the answers...
ada ka x...
leave it to tyme yg jwbkn..
ak lahir pada bulan jun 16th...
enough wif that...