Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Relationship Of Hygiene/Cleanliness With Our Personality..


Sebab bagi ak itu la cara nya kau mahu tngok orang tu pembersih, organised or vice versa.

Dan di situ jugak lah cara kita boleh nilai orang sebenar-benarnya whether kau mahu ckp dea cantik atau tidak. Sebab bagi aku orang yang betul2 cantik ialah orang yang jaga kebersihan no matter how busy they are. It’s about hygiene!

And this is specially for women ! sebab kalau lelaki tu x ksah sgt laa.. tapi kalau perempuan..huh!! kalau kau pengotor cewek, xda guna kau ouhh..bikin jatuh saham!!bikin jatuh semua la!!xda guna kau cantik kalau kau pengotor pemalas!!bagus mati sak la!! MENYUSAHKAN ORANG JA!

Ak xtau la klu mmg ada satu family yg pengotor tu…eerrgghhh…mcm mna la dorg hdup tu..euuhhh..msti smua kotor kan..HOW DO THEY LIVE??OMYGODD..JUST CAN’T IMAGINE..wel yes I think I can..all their furnitures are so full with dirt..bhabuk..the sofa the bantal and everything like pillows and such..msti bau hapak kan..eeuuhhhh…and the bedrooms will be like..ohmyyy…imagine this : once u open the door, here we go ; the smell of the mattress,pillows,blankets,teddies and their own smell of body which I can say is not that really got that perfume material..or to be more exact : BAU BADAN! Yes!! And plus the view ; nothing is organized. Pillows here and there..the baju and all..shit there’s no space..the floor of course full with dirt and if it’s a girl..i’m tellin ya..msti byk strands of hair here and there on the floor..

Baru ckp psl bilik tidur..blm lg psl bathroom,kitchen, living room..ohmyy..just can’t imagine how they live..lain lg psl baju yg x d cuci..the dishes and such..shit so fuckin dirty dude..

Guys..i tell ya..if u really need a woman who can take care of your entire life..find the one who keep on scrubbing the bathroom floor and the jamban like crazy..find the one who can take care of the house VERY WELL..i’m telling you..SERIOUSLY..find that bitch who can take care of you and the entire board of the house hygienically..I’M SERIOUS DUDE..

CLEANLINESS IS A FUCKIN SERIOUS THING..jgn ckp psl hygiene cuz I learn about all these microbes and such..even our T-zone of face(bhgian dahi dan hidung) is full of bacteria..or I can say tmpt yg pling sesuai utk dorg hdup dgn aman dan’ve got to be careful..take care of ur body hygiene AND YOUR ENVIRONMENT..

I mean..mcm mna org tu blh hdup klu semua bnda x bersih..kotor..x teratur..ak x blh tu hdp bgtu..mngkin blh laa… utk yg x teratur tu cuz ak pun kdg x teratur jgk..but since I live alone here without my mom or my brother..THANKFULLY ak jd pembersih and teratur(xda la that teratur but yeahh..i can manage my life and my place well)..I’m happy and bersyukur sgt2 sbb my mom taught me how to live the clean way..

Seriously..xda makna k kau hdup klu kau pengotor and pemalas..that is just DOUBLE THE MORON OF YOU! I just don’t know why..why u decide and choose to live that god..tolonglaa…

Lain lg cerita klu yg jenis after doing their business in the toilet..THEY DON’T FLUSH!!!OH MY GOD!!!WHAT KIND OF A PERSON ARE YOU, WHORE??!!!! I’m asking you really clean ur v-area??cuz u don’t flush!if u clean that area u must’ve flush that jamban too..

Aku sangat sangat sangat x faham kalau org tu hari2 do their laundry but don’t take care of their self-hygiene or their own environment clean…AT LEAST CLEAN..x hygiene its okay..BUT JUST CLEAN..TAKE CARE THE CLEANLINESS OF UR PLACE SERIOUSLY..





This Semester Has Begun..


New semester has begun..last semester was :
Academically : GREAT!!!ALHAMDULILLAH.. J
Personally : Not so good..Alhamdulillah.. :’)

But all I can say is I thank and grateful for all that..God has taught me on how to live on my own..He taught me that I shouldn’t just trust and giving chance to people whom already hurt me mentally..

He showed me His power..all the thing that he mention in the holy Quran is Right! I keep on believing on Him more and more.. I want to share what is that He showed me..

He once said that and it sounds like this “those who don’t perform their prayer for Subuh and Isyak’ are MUNAFIKIN..”

Damn He is right.. I saw that person..and of course He keep on making me giving my endless gratitude towards Him..

I just don’t care of what whores are talkin bad about me..i just don’t really care..

Okayyyyy..forget about that last semester let me tell ya’ll about this semester..

Actually..i’m not ready yet for this semester but..whatever..challenge accepted! Life is not a thrill without a challenge or a force of doing I started this semester..

With 5 FST subjects and 1 Statistic subject! 20 credit hour.. I just can’t let another 3 credit hour in for Organic Chemistry or Calculus I ..

So I took a brave decision to take those 2 subject in my final year..and I hope I can make this through..with all this subject and graduate ON TIME!! Ameen …. *finger’s crossed*

Eventhough I got no mood for all this..but I will find the mood and make the it started with this blog drafting.. J hewhew~

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Back In Touch I

Hye assalamualaikum..

So for the post for this time .. ntah la .. ak sbnrnya xda idea I was thinking bout telling u the basic  10 things about me .. I think .. but before that .. ak mau crita .. since ak ada mood mau crita ne .. psl ak pnya gay bestie.. actually after ak abs final ari tu .. ak sort of lost contact dgn dea .. after madir sibuk tuduh ak sama dea tu kapel .. haha .. so ..kami lost contact laa ..

But then recently I’ve just got a news from him.. saying that he’s doing good, jobless, waiting for graduate/convocation ceremony.. just helping his parents buat stor dkt rumahnya .. haha ..
And he said that my life is sengsara .. haha .. so honest .. u noe wat .. sbb itu la ak ska kwn dgn dea .. why dea ckp life ak sengsara ?? bcuz kmi mcm buat flashback la .. mcm trying to catching up things yg kmi tlepas share … sort of like that laa.. so ak crita la sma dea .. and he as usual .. dgr ja and bg pendapat nya yg sejujur-jujurnya ..

And yeah .. when I shared stories with him I feel safe enough, comfortable, grateful sbb ALLAH kurniakn kwn sbaik dea.. :’) its not that ak x feel safe and comfortable and grateful bla ak dgn c madir .. tp kwn dgn husband lain u noe..

When it comes to gaybestfriend and your husband..of course both of them are the best but vote will be more dkt gaybestfriend bcuz they sense a lot.. unlike husbands.. gay bestfriend aware sgt2 aware tntg their partner-in-crime..they really care about their girlfriend’s feeling.. u know.. hmm .. hard to explain laa .. bkn mau kc mnang dea ka apa .. tp .. u noe what .. why don’t you try .. why don’t you try to have a gay-bestfriend so kamu blh judge then..and u can faham then..

And since I got back in touch with him .. he doesn’t even change a bit..still treat me the same mcm hari pertama kami kenal.. still care,still funny, and of course..still gay.. haha .. tension brabis tu org sma ak sbb ak pnggil dea gay..

Malar dea ckp “ak bukan gay bhaa..ak suka pmpuan bhaaa” hahah .. sorry la bro.. u are more like gay to me .. not ur appearance or what but.. how u treat me tu yg buat kau dpt pengiktirafan terhormat dr aku..u are the second person on earth yg ak pnah panggil bgtu..

Hell Yeah, Dude!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Thank You Tumblr for The Swag Quotes :)

I wanna say thank you to tumblr for always showin me quotes that related in my life .. so yeah .. thank youuu .. J

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Pelengkap Hidupku

Aku bagai laut tak bertepi dan tak berkarangAku bagai bintang yang tak ditemani malamMelihat dirimu ada senyum canda dan tawaYang membuat aku tak ingin pergi darimu
Teringat janji lamamu kepadakuTeringat aku teringatTeringat saat kau masih ada di siniTemaniku sepanjang hari
Bila kau pergi jauh ingatlah akuBila ku di sampingmu peluk tubuhkuBila kau rindu aku panggil namakuKu datang menemuimu
Peluk erat jasadku jangan lepaskanTetaplah kau di sini arungi malamKarena hanya dirimu belahan jiwaPelengkapku di dunia

Hey Gay-BestFriend !

Make Her Day, Dude!

Monday, August 19, 2013

My New Obsession~~~

Hye assalamualaikum ..

This time mau kongsi pasal my new obsession which the Singaporean Youtube hits ; MunahHirzi !

Okay .. so .. how do I know them ? well .. I was back at Sabah. Tawau to be exact raya baru2 ne .. so I met my crazy brothers la kan .. so my old brother tu yg kenalkn ak dgn dorg nih .. first vid ak tgk from them is for the bulan bahasa 2012 . so lapuk kan . so ketinggalan zaman kan . but yeah whatever. Yg pntg aku suka . and ak just tgk ja la . and tba2 ja bnda tu jd trending between kami adik bradik . haha .

Which videos u ask ? emm . yg “sental lg!sental lg!x lawa tu x lawa je! xtau ke aku ni makcik tua nak duduk! Dah la duduk kat reserved seating!” haha . and yeah . ak hafal most of it ! from the videos dr bulan bahasa 2012 dorg, epic minahs #3, single ladies parody and run the world parody.

Okay . msti korg tnya apa ke bendanya dorg ni. So I google bout them(cuz I don’t believe my brother said yg dorg ni kononnya exchange student dr Singapore) and gooogle said dorg ne start jd popular tym dorg upload vid dorg about their 10 Dares. So the story goes on. Nak tau lagi ? GOOGLE LAHH!! Banyak cantek kau nak aku crita smua! Kau hengat semua benda yang kau nak akan dtg bgolek tanpa usaha ke? Jangan nak mimpi! Haha..

Lupa nak ckp yg Munah and Hirzi are bestfriend yg unseparable. I envy them!!! and dorg ada Hubab and Nadiah jgkkk :) ak teramat-amatlah obsess dgn dorg ni .. I search about them more and I follow them dkt instagram and like them on Facebook..stakat ni, tu je lah yang sempat..nanti mau subscribe dorg punya Youtube channel and follow dorg dkt Twitter plk..hewhew~~
So here are some photos of them..

And you know what ??? I LOVE THEM SO MUCHHHHH!!!!!!!

so .. don't forget to watch their super-creative-admiring work and their super spontaneous and humorous act in Youtube channel , follow them on Twitter, like them in Facebook and follow lah jgk kat Instagram klu dah obses mcm aku .. hewhew~~ oh and yeahh .. and dorg buat their 10 dares tu smpi international okayy .. they even went to MALAYSIA!!  :D *nampak x dah gilakn dorg sgt..haha*


Tak perlu beli cosmetic product memahal .. Tabitha, Flawless bagaiii ... hydroquinon je lebihhhh .. buat kanser kulit ade laa .. haha ...

oooppsss... sorry ... i talk based on research okayy ... ;)

okay so anywayy .. here's the tips .. so kakak2 fierce and minahs .. u may try ...

1. Bangun awal pagi untuk solat subuh. Air wudhu yang mengenai muka akan mengencangkan kulit.

2. Menunaikan solat ZOHOR. Air wudhu yang mengenai muka akan mencerahkan mata.

3. Tidak melalaikan solat ASAR di waktu petang. Air wudhu yang mengenai muka akan membersihkan kotoran asap dan DEBU

4. Tidak menunda untuk solat maghrib. Air wudhu yang mengenai muka akan menghilangkan bau di hidung & mulut.

5. solat Isya'. Air wudhu yang mengenai muka akan menceriakan wajah dari kemungkaran.

Memang Banyak Rahsia Dan Kebaikan Jika Kita Selalu Mengikuti Apa Yang Allah perintahkan, Tapi, Sayang, Masih banyak Belum Menyedarinya..

Percayalah, orang yang sering berwudhu aura wajahnya akan lebih terpancar dan berseri-seri.

haa .. jgn plk stakat wudhu je .. solat jugakk ... istiqamah .. and the most important .. niat kau jahhh .. niat kau tuh penting ...

Insya Allah..

okay lahh .. bye .. assalamualaikum :)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Aku Akan Terus Bertahan.. :')

Kau lukai hati dan perasaan ini..
Tapi entah mengapa aku masih mampu memberikan maaf padamu..
Mungkin kerana cinta kepadamu tulus dari dasar hatiku..
Mungkin kerana aku berharap kau dapat mengerti cintaku..
Lihat aku di sini bertahan walau kau sering menyakiti..
Hingga air mataku tak dapat menitis dan habis terurai..
Meski kau terus sakiti aku..
Cinta ini akan selalu memaafkan..

Dan aku percaya nanti engkau akan mengerti bila cintaku takkan mati..

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Nobody Realize About My Existence

Haiii assalamualaikum… hahah.. lama x post bha .. aii .. kununn .. hmm .. teda masa mau urus ne blog bbrapa weeks ne .. sbb ada blog baru yg kena urus .. hihi ..

Hmm .. for this time being .. ada la jg bbrapa update yg x smpat mau bgtau .. life routine changes a bit .. not so gradually but change juga la .. frequency ke library mbuat kerja dan research tu bertambah .. so .. emm .. yaa .. ak slalu la sda ke library .. slalu bertapa d ctu utk buat keja .. sbb my schedule for this semester x brapa pack except for Thursday so I think its better if that kekosongan and ke-free-an itu ak isi utk bertapa d dlm library dan buat research utk assignment dan kerja2 lain yg lebih patut .. hmm .. agak rajin jg la .. alhamdulillah .. hokhik..

Oke .. that was first .. enough la .. and lets go to the second one and the byk2 one .. well u know .. crita common laa .. bashing people here and there with my bestie .. haa my bestie skrg change a lot ! now she’s like more aggressive laa .. bila dea x ska dea akan straight forward says that dea x ska .. dea x mcm yg tym sem 1 ak kenal who is more diam and diam and diam .. she’s no longer that girl yg kau blh pijak sesuka hati .. she’s changed since last sem .. all thanks to that incident la yg buatkn dea semakin tegak berdiri .. hahah .. I like her whether she’s cool mcm tym part one or dea yg skrg .. ak x ksah ..

Ak mau crita satu la .. since ak dgn bestie slalu bdua ja dan bgerak ke mana mmg akn bsama specially when it comes about class ..and ak x brapa mau bgaul sgt pun dgn siapa2 sbb “less friend less stress and less shit” so yeah .. and that is fuckin TRUE man !! less shit .. but still annoyed dgn org sekeliling yg lack of kesedaran .. hmm .. hairan la jg kann.. pandai2 smua tp bgtu .. hmm .. ntah la .. malas mau ckp .. mnyinggungkn hati then trus blh jadi emo .. hahah ..

Oke so here’s the thing .. since ak slalu bdua ja and kurang bgaul .. so this sem I found out that I am invisible.. whether ak dlm kelas or not.. people won’t even recognize me .. haha .. so true .. I like that fact but.. it’s kinda hurt juga la bla ari tu ada classmate ne tnya .. so dialog dea mcm ni ..

        Classmate : diba dah ambk BCM blm ?
        Me : dah .. dah ambk dah last sem .. in fact kte ambk smua subjek part 2 last sem .. sma2 ngan               korg..skali kan dgn yg repeat tu .. ambk smua skali .. tp kena ambk OC lg skali laaa~ L
        Classmate : oh yee .. dah ambik OC ?
        Me : kena ambk lg skaliii
        Classmate : oh ye ?? klu nnti ambk OC ambk la dgn miss **** .. dea ajar ktorg last sem .. oke la                       dgn dia.. best ..
        Me  : haa.. tauu .. last sem kan kte satu kelas ..
        Classmate : oh yeke ? diba ade ek ?
        Me : hmm..ade laaa..
        Classmate : oooo … 

Faham tak apa yg ak nak sampai kan kat cni ??? nampak tak ?? and after that I said to my bestie “omg!!so slama ni dorg mmg x pnah sedar la yg aku slama ni satu kelas ngan korg??!!!mann!!!so ape la guna aku dok present psl reaction dkat lab BCM last sem kat dorg ??!!! dorg x nampak ehh???!!!omg!!seriously mannnnnn!!!” and my bestie was just like “ntah laa dorg tuu”


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Hanya Aku

Bersama janji kau sentuh rasa percaya
Hangat dinginmu mengundang rindu kecewa
Hanya aku dihuni sepi rasa kasihmu
Hanya ku yang mencari
Rembulan masih ada
Mungkin seketika
Walau ku bahagia mengejar bayanganmu
Tak mungkin ku beroleh saat indah bersamamu
Hanya aku
Apakah mungkin berulang janji setia

Apa kan kekal ataupun menyambut duka
Dan dirimu di janji Sang Sempurna
Dan kecewa kini dipulih rasa kasihmu

Dihuni rasa rindu
Dingin rasa kasihmu
Bagai bintang bersemi
Rindu janji bicara
Kekal selamanya
Walau sekadar mimpi
Tak pernah ku peduli
Selamanya kan ku pasti merindui dirimu
Hanya aku ..

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachmentLove is also a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection; and "the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another". Love may also be described as actions towards others or oneself based on compassion, or as actions towards others based on affection.
In English, love refers to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from pleasure ("I loved that meal") to interpersonal attraction ("I love my partner"). "Love" may refer specifically to the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love, to the sexual love of eros, to the emotional closeness of familial love, to the platonic love that defines friendship or to the profound oneness or devotion of religious love. This diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love unusually difficult to consistently define, compared to other emotional states.
Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts.
Love may be understood as part of the survival instinct, a function to keep human beings together against menaces and to facilitate the continuation of the species.
The word "love" can have a variety of related but distinct meanings in different contexts. Often, other languages use multiple words to express some of the different concepts that English relies mainly on "love" to encapsulate; one example is the plurality of Greek words for "love." Cultural differences in conceptualizing love thus make it doubly difficult to establish any universal definition.
Although the nature or essence of love is a subject of frequent debate, different aspects of the word can be clarified by determining what isn't love. As a general expression of positive sentiment (a stronger form of like), love is commonly contrasted with hate (or neutral apathy); as a less sexual and more emotionally intimate form of romantic attachment, love is commonly contrasted with lust; and as an interpersonal relationship with romantic overtones, love is sometimes contrasted withfriendship, although the word love is often applied to close friendships.
When discussed in the abstract, love usually refers to interpersonal love, an experience felt by a person for another person. Love often involves caring for or identifying with a person or thing (cf. vulnerability and care theory of love), including oneself (cf. narcissism). In addition to cross-cultural differences in understanding love, ideas about love have also changed greatly over time. Some historians date modern conceptions of romantic love to courtly Europe during or after the Middle Ages, although the prior existence of romantic attachments is attested by ancient love poetry.
Because of the complex and abstract nature of love, discourse on love is commonly reduced to a thought-terminating cliché, and there are a number of common proverbs regarding love, from Virgil's "Love conquers all" to The Beatles' "All You Need Is Love". St. Thomas Aquinas, following Aristotle, defines love as "to will the good of another." Bertrand Russell describes love as a condition of "absolute value," as opposed to relative value. Philosopher Gottfried Leibniz said that love is "to be delighted by the happiness of another."
Love is sometimes referred to as being the "international language", overriding cultural and linguistic divisions.
A person can be said to love an object, principle, or goal if they value it greatly and are deeply committed to it. Similarly, compassionate outreach and volunteer workers' "love" of their cause may sometimes be born not of interpersonal love, but impersonal love coupled with altruism and strong spiritual or political convictions. People can also "love" material objects, animals, or activities if they invest themselves in bonding or otherwise identifying with those things. If sexual passion is also involved, this condition is called paraphilia.
Interpersonal love refers to love between human beings. It is a more potent sentiment than a simple liking for another. Unrequited love refers to those feelings of love that are not reciprocated. Interpersonal love is most closely associated with interpersonal relationships. Such love might exist between family members, friends, and couples. There are also a number of psychological disorders related to love, such as erotomania.
Throughout history, philosophy and religion have done the most speculation on the phenomenon of love. In the last century, the science of psychology has written a great deal on the subject. In recent years, the sciences of evolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology, anthropology, neuroscience, and biology have added to the understanding of the nature and function of love.
People with histrionic personality disorder, narcissism and bipolar disorder may have a limited or minimal capability of experiencing love.

This Is How I Do It

Bash org biar diam2.. bila dorg sda baca apa yang kau tulis, biarkn dorg klu dorg mau benci kau .. itu masalah dorg .. bukan mslh kau .. that’s your site .. kau berhak tulis dan publish apa yg kau mau .. it’s not a crime diba .. u are telling the truth .. u are expressing ur feeling and telling others of what u feel.. and that’s the reality.. klu dorg x blh trima, biarkan .. itu maknanya dorg x blh trima kritikan org tntg diri dorg .. u have live long enough ..u’ve already been there but you take it positively .. and you’ve changed bit by bit .. and you managed to live well ..

Just like that person said “no wonder ramai x suka kau sbb prngai kau bgni” .. haha .. fuck off .. let her/him be with her/him moron head .. xda org yg suka dgn org yg jd diri dea sndri dan ekspresikan perasaan dea d mana2 .. apa lg bila kau crita tntg bnda/perangai org .. bnda2 bgtu mmg sensitiviti .. sbb itu psl perangai which is bnda yg kw nmpk/alami aka realiti ..

Manusia .. mmg sudah lumrahnya mereka x boleh trima bila ada org ckap psl dorg .. apa lg bila kta ckp psl perangai dorg .. ya la .. manusia .. mereka sentiasa merasakan diri dorg tu cukup sempurna, cukup baik, well-mannered and sgalanya yang baik2 .. so bila dorg tau dorg kena ckp , kena kritik .. mula lah dorg meroyan sana-sini mgalahkan org histeria .. hanya org yg positive ja yg blh take it well and biarkn dorg dan act like nothing is wrong..

Dan manusia juga x prnah fikir if perbuatan dorg tu ada kalanya menyinggung perasaan manusia lain ..

Hmm .. yaa .. so sorry kalau apa yang aku cakap ni singgung perasaan kamu .. tp pernah ka kamu fikir tentang perasaan penulis ne ? sorry kalau selama ini kamu rasa ak x respect kamu .. or don’t behave like you want me to ..

Why ? why should I posted and publish any feels I had on/in/at  my site .. cuz I want to ! and actually .. ak x ksah pun klu kamu baca semua yang aku post .. dari kamu jab ha tu klu kamu maut rasa ka, skit hati ka, berdendam ka, mau ckp yg ak ne tunjuk perfect, hebat and so on sbb ak post psl prangai/pndgn ak tntg org lain .. ya .. dr kamu ja ..

Ak x ksah tntg kutukan org .. mngkin kutukan tu akn buat aku tersinggung .. but yeah .. imma grown up bitch .. your words towards me ain’t nothing for me .. it will not affect me at all .. nahh .. not even a bit ..

So yeah .. talk as much as you want to.. but here’s the thing .. if you don’t like me .. if you hate me .. don’t even think to touch my things in or out my place whether I’m home or not .. bcuz .. once you said bad things about me or hate me .. u don’t deserve my things or my kindness .. I TAK HALALKAN ! OKE ! J

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Keyboard Warrior ..

Holla~ assalamualaikum .. haha ..

Azam sem ni adalah utk aktif d blog .. since kena larang update slalu d fb kan .. tapii .. twitter ada .. hikhik .. uh uh uh .. jgn rsau .. xkn anjing siapa2 pun .. haha .. klu ada TERRR anjing pun .. sorry la .. salah kah saya cakap sesuatu yang benar ? hihi . sorry kayy sorry *puke*

Since ini mau msuk minggu ke-3(oh yeah lupa mau ckp ak taip bnda ne on 22nd of june) so x brapa byk la kerja .. blum msuk lab lg kannn .. nti mngkin blogging akn jadi slow .. and smua bnda online akn jd slow .. but I hope not laa .. will try to balance it all .. ;)


Hahhh .. aku ada bnda mau cerita .. found out bout yg ada jgk ya yg dok cbuk stalk ak dr fb smpi la ke twitter and smpi la ke blog .. heishh .. lucu plk rasanya .. xda pun feeling ala-ala fatin liyana tuu .. tp pelik dan kinda scary though bila org cbuk mau baca blog and smua bnda yg ak post d akaun blog,twitter and fb kan .. yg x rapat plk tuu ..klu yg rapat tu xpa jg la .. x ksah .. tp ini yg strangers2 pun cbuk jg .. mcm xda life ne ..

If just for fun xpa.. ak x ksah .. tp klu yg trus cbuk mau ckp2 ne .. aikk .. knapa ? x suka ka dgn apa yg ak post ? dah tu knapa mau baca jugak kan .. hmm .. xpa la .. ak harap kau akan slalu la stalk blog ne .. dpt jgk naikkn rating viewers ak.. haha .. sbb ak akn slalu post apa2 d cni .. tntg bnda yg aku mau ckp .. and yeahh .. bnda yg ak post tu adalah kebenaran .. it’s a point of view and a criticism from a person to a person yg d ckp tuu .. so .. is it a crime ?? no kann ?? if u say yes .. please refer back to law book oke .. gerrhh~~

Seriously laa .. klu ak la kan .. klu org sda ada kritik apa yg ak post d mana2 laman sosial .. ak akn makin mnjadi2 .. ak akn balas balik apa yg org tu kritik .. x ksah la dea spa .. well .. aku kan keyboard warrior .. haha ..

Keyboard warrior xkn face to face dgn org yg dea ckp sbb bg dea bnda tu buang masa and x mndatangkn satu faedah pun .. so that’s why dea jd keyboard warrior .. bkn sbb dea ne pengecut … bukan .. tapi sbb ya la .. yg aku mention td tu.. and satu sbb lg ialah keyboard warrior ada prinsip .. which is “words(what they type and post) is a slow aka silent killer for those who they mention” ..

Faham ka? X fhm ? mc jg mau ckp yg kami ne pengecut ? urmm okay .. so then knpa bkn anda saja yg face to face dgn keyboard warriors ne ? klu mmg sda trasa dgn apa yg kami post , and kenal who posted it .. why don’t YOU yg face to face ? hah ? apa ? xmau ??? knapa ? malas ? knpa malas ?? aikk .. baca apa yg kami post rajin plk kann .. knpa ?? takut ? takut apa ? we are human beings after all .. we are for sure bukan cannibal .. so why not KAMU yg face to face dgn kami ??????

Nahh .. dah sdah .. klu x mau face to face .. so do we .. maybe ada la jgk keyboard warriors yg akn face to face dgn org tu .. tp mostly no la .. bcuz kami mmg bgni .. klu kau mau sgt face to face . kau la yg start .. gua keyboarders bro .. gua x layan org bkn keyboarders nihh .. :p

Klu ttp jg bgtu why don’t you jd mcm gua jgk ? blh main transfer2 pahala kann .. hahah ..

Hmm .. oke la .. agak panjang ak merepek psl kebenaran ni .. haha .. dear keyboarders.. klu ter baca jg apa yg ak post nih .. komen la klu ada apa2 yg slh kayy .. like I said “we’re human beings after all” .. so klu dah rasa ak perfect , xpyh la mau tgur kan .. hakhakk ..uh la laaa~~~~~~~~~

Oke bye .. assalamualaikum .. nunyteeee J

Saturday, June 22, 2013

who bitch???

who hates me ? do you know ? then list it if u know who they are..


like i care about it...

i dont even give a damn..

read my blog and feel irritated..

who cares???

ure the one who wants to read..FUCKIN STALKER!!!

i made my blog and i typed everything based on what i feel and what i want to say..i am being real..i aint fake..i aint a mannequin like you..

if i didnt say what i mention in my blog then i have my own reason..for talkin behind ur backs..i have my own reason too..

just like you too biatch..u do have ur own reason for everything right..for everything that you must have ur reason..

every human being have their own hak bersuara so im using it..why??x puas hati??then post a keyboard warriors then..

i am posting in my page(fb,blog and twitter) because i still can handle my feeling towards you whom thinks that i am perfect..this is the way im handling..if i cant handle it then youre not being able to read my fuckin blog dearrrrr.. *puke*

but still..i will never understand of how immature people are nowadays including me whom keep on talkin on what they dont like..

they keep on complaining.... *to be continue*

Friday, June 21, 2013

new semester..againnnnnn....

heyy...assalamualaikum..updating live from phone..hebakk kann..haha...kesiann..jakun sehh... today..found out something..but i don't really care sbb bkn aku yg mngalaminya..haha..x ksah i told you earlier..sapa mkn cili dea la trasa pedasnya..sapa baca blog saya dan terasa..kak pon tak kisahhhhhhhhhhh....huhihuhiiiii...

deal it with urself bitchessss!!!

oke so today its basically bout my new uitm kuala pilah..huffttt.. *big sigh*

oke so dis semester i don't wanna give a damn pun about what people say about me (macam ja la slama ini aku peduli kannnn..haha)

so this semester..whats the coolest thing???
i got a big table!!!!yeay!!!!thanks upk n9..melaviooo...mmuuahhh mmuuaahhh!!!!ini la bgusnya bla berbaik2 dgn staff kann..hahah..ehh..xda la..

emm..apa lg study plan goes smoothly with the help of mr sharimi..wooo~~~ hope after this xda prob lg so that i can study smoothly till my graduation time..huhu..

oke lg..apa ya..biasa ja..ohh yaa..sem ne ak x pyh mau depend sgt sma org psl brg elektrik...i've got it all..water heater, iron, lappy, phone and so on..lengkap!!! alhamdulillah.. all i need to do is jaga those brg dgn baik..jgn smpi rosak and jgn smpi ada yg kc rosak..weeheee~~

apa lg..hurmm..basically everything is fine..roomate..yg lama..housemate wawa ,ida, iqa kekal..ada org baru..bdk part one dgn ntah spa lg..ak x knal..dea pun x bckp..jd xla tgur..x ksah urusssss...haha.. apa2 yg tjadi kali ini hope dpt d atasi dgn hal yg setimpal lah yaaa...what goes around comes around ja lahhh yaaaaaaaaaaa.. _|_

Monday, March 25, 2013

teringat kamuu~

Dgr2 lagu ni teringat sma kau SD .. lirik dea .. ngam kan dgn kta ? hee~~ missin you .. J

Skali ak sertakan lirik jg J

Jamie Foxx featuring T.I. - Just Like Me ft. T.I.

Say Foxx? (Yeah... eah... eah...)
I had-I had a chick man- (Yeah... eah... eah...)
She went and did me real wrong, I mean (Yeah... eah... eah...)
I did the same thing to her but-
She ain't have no right to do me like that though dawg, for real (Yeah... eah... eah...)

[Verse 1: Jamie Foxx]
You, been seeing him, and I know
And I was with her, and you knew about it
But I was too bli-I-ind to see it baby
And you was out here doing the same thing as me
I wanna ask, has he been by the crib?
Has he been in our, car?
And did you let him, drive?
Cause she's been by the house
She's been in the car
I've even let her push the Porsche around a couple times
Oh, we were so the same
I don't know why I can't see it baby
And it ain't a point to feeling blue
You're just like me and I'm just like you

[Chorus: Jamie Foxx]
You're just like me
Shorty all up in the club
Popping bottles of that Bud
Giving all them dudes hugs
And you just like me
She don't know how to act
On the floor back in the back
Man I can't be mad dapslyrics
She just like me-e-ee-e-e
She just like me-e-ee-e-e
She just like me-e-ee-e-e
She just like me...

[Verse 2: Jamie Foxx]
Now it ain't so easy for me to be imagining what you been doing baby
So I don't even have to ask (No)
Cause you ain't the only one that keeping secrets baby
So really, no sense in me playing "bye"
And I, can't say nothing
Cause I did you wrong
And I was on some kush
When I let that *** up in our home
She's out from us just like me
And she played the game like one of my homies
Oh, we were so the same
I don't know why I can see you baby
And it ain't a point to feeling blue
You're just like me and I'm just like you

[Chorus: Jamie Foxx]
You're just like me
Shorty all up in the club
Popping bottles of that Bud
Giving all them dudes hugs
And you just like me
She don't know how to act
On the floor back in the back
Man I can't be mad
She just like me-e-ee-e-e (Getting money, having fun, man she)
Just like me-e-ee-e-e (In the club, throwing ones, man she)
Just like me-e-ee-e-e (24's on the Range)
Just like me... (Go on shawty do your thang)

[Bridge: T.I.]
Shawty who you fooling?
You know I'm way too cool for you
To run that game when we play me
Trying to do me like I be doing you
Say you heard I was screwing her
Just like I hear he doing you
Why you worry about me doing me
I see you doing you
I can make her better though
You gonna let him ruin you
Just for the record
Know, I wouldn't have her unless I could have the two of you
I know why he pursuing you
That booty do be moving boo
Late night, straight pipe
That ain't nothing new to you
Wait a minute
Can't tell me

Wanna tell me
Something tell me this
If I would've never would've hit that chick
Would you even ever know that dude existed?
Got me twisted
Yo ass goodbye I've kissed it
Now you all on his ***
Shawty look at this ***

[Chorus: Jamie Foxx]
Just like me
Shorty all up in the club
Popping bottles of that Bud
Giving all them dudes hugs
And you just like me (You know I was wrong shawty)
She don't know how to act
On the floor back in the back
Man I can't be mad
She just like me-e-ee-e-e
(You dealing with a man with an ego, you know?)
She just like me-e-ee-e-e
She just like me-e-ee-e-e
She just like me...